Saturday, March 24, 2007

An influenced teenager

It could be said that this teenager has been immensely influenced by hip hop music. In his profile on he has quoted hip hop as his favourite genre of music.

I find it interesting to observe the several pictures he has displayed of himself on his myspace profile. Just as Tupac (previous post) wanted to display a particular image of himself in his poster, this teen is also representing himself to the whole of the public sector who has access to the internet as a potential threat to society.

All his pictures conform to the stereotype of a hip hop artist. As seen in my previous post (an analysis of the hip hop artist) this teenager shows the same portrayl of wealth through the gold grill in his mouth (a grill is a metal gum shield), his muscular physique and the most interesting, his fourth photo, a photo of his posing with a gun as his accessory.

The second photo shows a picture of a young man who the profile user "will always remember" it would be interesting to see whether this young man had been affected by gun crime and had a part to do with his death.

Obviously, there are many other factors that could have caused his death, but if his social group consisted of individuals like the profile user, could he himself have been a victim of gun crime throughout his life?

I find the third photo quite amusing because he quotes "all for my wife" relating to his body, ironically he is displaying his body to the whole of those who have access to the internet, so is it really all for his wife or a show for those that visit

The fourth photo is most concerning and useful for my research on this topic. To remind myself of the question I am trying to answer:

Does hip hop music glamorise gun crime for teenagers?

Judging by this fourth photo I believe that hip hop music has glamorised gun crime for this teenager, purely because he is displaying his weapon as an accessory rather than a dangerous tool. By posing with the weapon he is promoting gun crime for others just as Tupac was promoting weapons as a fashion in his poster. This teenager's gun posession could be informing others that this type of defense is acceptable.

In considering the profile user's views so as not to take a biast opinion, he could possess the weapon as a means of protection and safety. His life may be threatened by others and so having a gun makes the teenager feel reasurred in the fact that he has the confidence to know that he can protect himself easily.


...If this was a genuine reason for him owning a gun then why display yourself on a website for others to see as apposed to keeping the gun locked away.

For example in the video 'Bowling For Columbine' many individuals who confessed to having a gun said that it was stored in a place where only you know where it is in case of a situation where your life is endangered? They under no circumstances liked having a gun, but felt it necessary.

Nevertheless, I feel that this teen actually likes having a gun and is proud of owning it. Otherwise, why else pose with it?

Do you have any other reasons to help me believe otherwise?


Anonymous said...



How do u know the gun is real?

He could be posing with a fake gun to achieve the same effect.

Anonymous said...

Amiable brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.